15 July 2019

A cup for every occasion

A few months ago, we were on a long-awaited trip to IKEA, one of my favourite places to visit. At the market hall, I was carefully inspecting a few drinking glasses, and my mom wandered over to inform me that I had one too many cups to justify another purchase. I proceeded to try and explain that different cups, mugs, and glasses were suited for specific drinks and occasions, but she was not swayed. Undeterred, I happily purchased my very specific, basic glassware and am currently drinking from one as I type this up.

You might not agree with me, but think about drinking a glass of red wine in a dollar store mug. A glass of wine, yes. These were the odd situations we found ourselves in during our student life, a time when my roommates thought it was extravagant that I had 2-3 mugs in the kitchen each year; but when guests came to visit, my mugs were always the ones missing as I was the only one with a surplus.

Is this wholly unnecessary? Yes. You only need very few things in life, and one ceramic mug is likely good enough for all your drinking needs. But with the financial (thank you, dollar stores) and spacial (thank you, old storage room that has been converted to my tea and mug corner) ability, I derive great pleasure from my ever-growing collection of mugs, cups, glasses,  (teaware and tumblers have been capped due to limited purpose).

This long, rambling post has been made to slowly introduce my drinking-ware collection. There was a time in our life when one of our friends banned us from gifting each other more mugs (you know who you are), and it was only then that I realized how many mugs we gifted each other (at least one a year). However, it was her who broke this promise by apologetically gifting some super adorable mugs she found. I still try to refrain when possible, but our ban has mostly been ignored, our slowly shrinking cabinet space a testament to our love for mugs.

My dedicated teacup for straight, green teas.

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