28 July 2019

Mediation and meditation

One of my first experiences with meditation was during high school; one of my teachers wanted us to be more enlightened, and took it upon herself to do so. She had us sit in a circle, and as we closed our eyes, she led a guided meditation. I remember being quite fidgety, not quite understanding the point of the whole practice.

Cut to several years later; my local studio offered free meditation classes, and I decided to pop in. I was mightily confused, having had a preconception of people sitting with their legs crossed uncomfortably and chanting in a circle.

Meditation was nothing like what I had imagined. I have been going infrequently and still can't say if it's made a noticeable difference in my life... There are definitely days when I feel calm and relaxed afterwards, and days when my mind races and nothing I do helps to slow it down. But that is all normal, and a part of the process. Being present will likely be a lifelong lesson to learn, and meditation is slowly teaching me to stop and smell the roses.

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