5 January 2025


When I first moved out, I finally had full control over what my space would look like, and was the only one who could change, destroy, or add to the space. My home became my sanctuary, my place to retreat where only the things I wanted to surround myself with remained.

1 January 2025

2025 bingo

A common question we ask and receive at this time of year, especially in the corporate world where small talk is king, might be "any new years resolutions?"

15 November 2022


There are many things I dislike. There are behaviours, actions, and mindsets that I thoroughly dislike, and will not tolerate the idea of. 

So then it should be simple to sort through the types of people I despise...

Yet, I invalidate my own feelings by making excuses for others; not out of some magnanimous attempt to be kind, but because I can not trust myself to read the situation right. I often go against my instincts because I worry of the source of where they were informed; by prejudice, misguided notions, stereotypes, unrealistic expectations, trauma. 

11 May 2022

Creation for consumption

 A few years ago, I was speaking with a friend about my wishes of creating more through different mediums. I mentioned that I would get caught up watching or reading or viewing other creations in search of inspiration, technique, etc... and get carried away. 


The impermanence of items and objects is visual as it degrades gradually over time.

20 April 2022

Cycling through the valley

I have been having some consistently awesome days lately. As the world begins its yearly thaw, the willingness for outdoor activities increases. 

I often come home at the end of a long day filled with pleasant memories of a day spent with loved ones. Having seen new sights, eaten good food, and having long conversations that continue to bolster our camaraderie.

26 February 2022

Carried by a tune

The unique power of music

to transport me to a time when I felt happy, safe, proud

the comfort that slowly seeps through the slow chill that has been suffocating 

playlists that now mark the passage of time

placeholders for the thoughts, feelings, and dreams that seemed so far removed from my current reality